Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fight Night Entertainment: Pt.1 What's Bad in The Sport

There are just some promotions in the industry where one just watches and sees right before their very eyes the erosion of the sport that it casts its insignificant umbrella over. It preys on the desparation of the athlete to perform, to be recognized, and in a great many substantial cases; to survive.

Fight Nite Entertainment is such a promotion located, and most times based in Bellingham,Wa. Riad Youseff is the "promoter". Youseff runs a car lot, which given the tactics and practices would not suprise one in his ability to juggle alot of jargon and very persuasive dialogue...

What I have witnessed over the years of it insignificant but industrious effort to grow is basically a promotion that comes off and appearing as IF. FNE's (http://www.fightnightentertainment/) best effort at building itself was to solicit marquee name atheltes and surround themselves with legitimate athletes, media personalities and legitmate businesses.

They partnered up with Cody Houston's, West Coast Fight Club and not to be confused with Reese Andy's West Coast Fight Team. That is where the similarity ends. West Coast ClubTeam has since then went out of business because of business and financial deterioration due to circumstances being investigated.

    Riad Youseff picured with and unidentified female
     smooth in a variety of areas...

Youseff's FNE, is currently plagued by a number of challenges by a number of personalities, regulating bodies and management groups. The Washington State Athletic Commission being among the leaders in a long line to address FNE disasterous and fraudulent business practices. There are a number of high profile management groups that direct and suggest the manner in which an athelte should proceed. Unfortunately their dealing with FNE have left most of them chasing the funds due to them years later..

This is an ongoing investigation by a number of groups and more information and it's details will be forthcoming in the coming days...

It's sad and an insult to the organizations, commissions and more importantly the athletes that this promotion in particular comes at them with, glittering of gold only to find that the check they hand the athletes is literally not worth the paper it's printed on. FNE is forced to operate on a cash and carry basis only. The commission will not sanction any of their professional bouts pending an investigation brought on by a complaint brought forward by Suckerpunch Entertainment and Management. The policy that they are required to place the purse funds in escrow for the commission to disperse, FNE refused to comply thus resulting the pro bouts on the last card in Washington were cancelled. It is my understanding via phone conversation with one of those athletes that were to fight as a pro on the card, had to resort to some very pointed tactics to get his "show purse" as a result of the promotions cancelling of the pro card. He told me, "Riad would not pay us and it was a huge ordeal and alot of work to corner him in order get him to honor his end of the contract I signed with them, never again."  FNE now retreats to a sole casino in the state of Washington to hold his professional bouts where the commission has no authority and the participating native body seems to accept for the time being.

Get ready for Part will open your eyes as to what this promotion is capable of and to what lengths and disregard they will participate in to do it!!!


  1. Thank you for your feed back Mr. Youseff...all will be documented with specifics and forthcoming.

    Best in all your current and future endeavors,
    Best Regards,
    Brett Atchley..

  2. Cannot wait for part two! I want to know what FNE has to say again!

  3. Well, you should see the email, that Mr."Yousef" sent fact I'll post it in part two...talking about threats being made and oh thank you for the spotlight on an international level and that he had finally "made the headlines"....what a complete fuck-head!! Basically, I'm just getting the documentation down and emails together with the interviews and statements from the various organizations....His list of offenses are with the Washington State Athletic Commission!!!

  4. Why is Cody Houston's name is this?? I was simply the matchmaker and have absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Youssef's business morales or ethics. I was discarded as matchmaker simply for a guy with bigger name. Please leave me out of your trash talking. Thank you

  5. Well that is to be investigated also....Mr. Houston....
