Thursday, May 26, 2011


Well here we are again today regarding the above indicated individual of whom I'm having a hard time justifying the time to spend exposing that as it may, it MUST be done.

Let's see, what have we got?? Well Blevins has just recently accused our very own Kingie of being a homo-sexual that dresses in drag. He has also challenged him to what would be his 18th systematic destruction of his all ready pathetic life...See here's the thing, I have personally attacked him verbally and through email and posts and have never heard a word from the pathetic little maggot!! He is claiming to be so very squeaky tight to Dana White and all his pontification and bullshit about Cub Swanson being his good friend and a corner man......I mean really? Are you really super-serious, Cub Swanson on Twitter and sending messages out to the twitter world that if they need to contact Dana White and Joe Silva, send you a private message and you will hook it up?? Are you about the biggest fucking hemorrhoid that has ever fell to the ground at birth?? You are a fucking parasite, you are an alleged pedophile!!!!  You tried to pass a mentally handi-capped woman off as a professional athlete, you fucking troll!!! What the fuck is the matter with you buddy?? What did you do to that woman before you tried to pass her off as a fighter and what abuses did she suffer after they kicked your pathetic ass out of there??? I'm gonna tell you something, right here in front of everyone. I will utilize every resource in this industry that I have to make sure that you are ostracized and banned from ever having anything to do with this sport. As for the unfortunates that can't protect themselves from you? I don't know how you look at yourself!!! You're a piece of human waste...

You want to call me buddy?? Here it is: Brett Atchley 206.719.7185 anytime!!!

Even the most hardcore M.M.A. fan has probably never heard of Scott Blevins. That's a good thing, Blevins, who trains out of his home in Indiana is on one of the worst streaks seen in professional M.M.A. Out of the 13 fights he's fought in, each has ended in the first round with him on the losing end, in fact he has only made it to the 2 minute mark once in his entire career, the rest of his fights have all ended with just over a minute in the fight.
With 10 submissions losses and 3 KO losses Blevins has to ask himself, what is he doing? He has admitted that he would like to become a world champion at 135 lb's bet it in the W.E.C. or in the U.F.C. if they were to create a weight class. That dream seems slightly delusional considering Blevins record of 0-13-0. And its not as if his opponents were all world class fighters, you have guys like Matt Page who beat Belvins by a rear naked choke, even though Page holds a professional record of 3-14.
Is Blevins dreams of becoming a champion never going to happen? Not according to Blevins, who quotes Matt Serra and Shonie Carter to prove his point that some of the worlds greatest fighters took losses at the start of their careers in this quote:
"Everybody's going to have their losses there's always someone bigger and better. But I'm pretty convinced that this is what I'm here for. I know I have a losing record right now, but you look at Shonie Carter or Matt Serra, and they took some losses in the beginning of their careers, and they just got bigger. And that's where I stand in my career. I'm just going to keep on fighting until I find my niche, just like any other fighter would."
Where is Blevins going wrong? Its his heart, the thing he seems to say is his strongest attribute, hence the nickname "Lion Heart" and his determination to get to places like the U.F.C. or W.E.C. that drive him. That could all be very well legitimate outside of the cage, but inside it, that just isn't the case. Blevins does something reminiscent of another M.M.A. fighter, Bob Sapp. When Blevins gets taken down and the other fighter will start to throw punches down onto him, his is like lamb to the slaughter, he will curl up into a ball and tap immediately which completely contradicts his "Lionheart" nickname and not only that, it proves that he either has one of the worst pain tolerances in the world, or that he just doesn't really want to be there, instead he wants the fame rather than time in the cage, hence why over 13 fights he has been in the cage for a total of 10 minutes 42 seconds which has to be a record. Blevins has 13 losses on his record with all of his fight time combined not even making it to one full fight, which would be 15 minutes, so far those 13 losses would be the equivalent of making it to the opening bell of the 3rd round.
This article was courtesy of Billy Painter

This is from Blevin's "Athlete"'s actually pretty accurate!!!

This page is dedicated to Indiana's own RUDY!!!
As a young lad Scott would frolic in the English countryside like a Prince Fanboi all while picking Daisy's for his now deceased mother.

Scott's mother was set on fire in July of 1988 by a flamboyant gaggle of bridge trolls. Her body was never found but, authorities say that Scott related the story to them when he was found later at a 12 year old girls house.

Since this day Scott has been obsessed with younger women being caught just last year diddling one while smoking crack.
Neutral (It)
Personal Information
As losing streaks go, the one that Scott "LionHeart" Blevins is currently riding has to be one of the roughest in the sport. Sherdog lists the Indiana-based fighter’s record as 0-13, with all losses by first-round stoppage, and no match lasting past the 2:10 mark. But that doesn’t account for all of his fights — it doesn’t include his losses to David Love or Ryan McIntosh, for one thing, and it doesn’t include his victory-via-DQ over Eddie Mirabella, whose win was reversed after he threw his... (read more)
Personal Interests
Diddling kiddos, crack sales (specifically know to be the only maker ever of Sour Apple Crack -he used a childs candy making kit to do this)

This from one of our loyal readers and supporters...

This one is great...he's claiming fighting Chad Mendes would be a step DOWN....

A LOT of people on his friends' list regard him as a joke. I found him through my gym, because he's close to my location, and I have great respect for fighters (except him).

Miguel Torres (who he says is ducking him) is supposed to be doing an MMA seminar at my gym sometime. When I told Blevins, he started by denying that he knew who he was. Then that "I only do MMA Seminars"....which is what I said it see where this is going.

He is FB friends with Torres, and, since Torres is funny as heck, will frequently copy word for word Torres' statuses, without referencing where he got it from. At least he did, until I kept posting "yeah, Torres' status' was great today, wasn't it?"

He can not say "Shonie Carter" it is ALWAYS UFC Legend Shonie Carter or UFC Alum Mark Coleman. He claims a wonderful freindship with Joe Silva, Dana White, lots of UFC vets and fighters. You MUST follow his Twitter as well...he retweets UFC and Dana as if they are talking directly to him. "Dana told me blah blah blah." And quotes a Tweet that everyone who follows Dana got at the same time...

Bi-polar is an oft speculated diagnoses for this guy.

Just stay on his page for a couple of'll get what you want for your article. If he blocks you (and I'd be surprised if he hasn't already, although he IS an attention whore), I'd be glad to copy and past what ever you need to bring this guy down


  1. This is "Bad" Billy Painter. I gotta give the credit for this article to Natasha Shepherd. Very well written.


  3. Please tell me we're going to be treated to more Lionheart articles! They're GREAT!
