Friday, December 24, 2010

Report: Duffee vs. Overeem Confirmed for K-1 NYE Show


(Todd Duffee does curls for the girls and testosterone replacement therapy for his opponents. PicProps: XPE Sports)
Alistair Overeem’s New Year’s Eve bout with recently exiled UFC malcontent Todd Duffee is officially going down, according to a report out Thursday morning from MMA’s Ariel Helwani. Overeem’s status for the event was confirmed yesterday as rumors of the Duffee fight simultaneously began to percolate. At first it appeared the honchos at FEG wanted to keep the identity of The Reem’s opponent secret – at least until they’d, we don’t know, slipped Duffee through customs in a giant duffle bag marked “Perishable Goods” or something like that – but then the fighter himself let the cat out of the bag by posting (and immediately deleting) a message on his Facebook page.
Smooth move, T-Duff. Hey, since it's the holiday season, please allow us to express our heartfelt thanks for social media and the unfettered opportunity it provides fighters to broadcast the worst parts of their personalities and prematurely release time-sensitive information to the public without checking with anyone (anyone at all) beforehand. Without you, beloved Facebook and Twitter, this sport wouldn’t be nearly as fun. Isn't that right, Marcus Davis?
Anyhoo, if the bout comes off – and we assume it will, since Helwani’s reports ain’t nothing to fuck with – it’ll at least amount to a far stiffer NYE test than Overeem got during that debacle against Fujita last year. At least we hope it will, though with Duffee out of action since his May loss to Mike Russow and subsequent UFC dismissal, there’s no telling where his head, heart or cardio will be at for this contest.
As Helwani notes, it’s a bit of an odd decision for the Duffster, who recently reportedly turned down the chance to face Bigfoot Silva on short notice in Strikeforce and already has a fight scheduled with “TUF” washout Abe Wagner in January in something called Titan Fighting Championships. Gotta believe for him to step up for a probable face-pounding against Overeem, the money was right. Or the fight will be fixed. Or something. It’s Japan after all, you never can tell. Either that or Duffee might be suffering from that total inability to conceptualize his own limitations we talked about yesterday. Either that, or he pulls off a huge upset.
At least the (alleged) signing of this bout ups the “almost competitive matchup” count for K-1’s NYE show to, oh, about two or three. Not bad for a card currently advertised to feature 15 fights and a cast of thousands. We’ll be sure to fast forward through most of it sometime during the first week of January, after our girlfriend suckers us into watching White Christmas and A Christmas Story but before we let her get anywhere near the DVD player with that copy of Holiday Inn. Seriously dude, we already watched White Christmas. How much crooning can a guy be legitimately expected to take?

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