Monday, December 13, 2010

Extended video footage of "Mayhem" Miller confronts a keyboard warrior and accepts his black belt at Kings MMA

Here is an extended version ofStrikeforce Middleweight contender Jason "Mayhem" Miller is rewarded his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt under Rafael Cordeiro at Kings MMA Gym. "Mayhem" also gets an opportunity to confront a friend of Welterweight Champion Nick Diaz, who Miller has been campaigning for a fight with for several months. Also you will see segment from LayzieTheSavage who is the "Friend" of Nick Diaz. LayzieTheSavage placed the article on Look for the article after the video. You can view the responses of that article here

My Side Of The Story...

From: LayzieTheSavage

A lot of people have been saying a lot of things about me today,
so I feel as if I should give my side of the story as to what happened with Jason Miller.

First of all, I want everyone to know that I did NOT go to the gym that day to try and troll Mayhem.
This was not the case at all...

I had spoken to Rafael Cordeiro the night before and was invited to come film the opening of his new gym.
I planned on shooting a 30 second commercial for him, as a token of my appreciation for what he's done for me. Which has included allowing me to film inside his camp (which also has included Miller on numerous occasions and there was never any beef)

I honestly was under the impression that it was all jokes and fun when it came to talking about Nick Diaz to Jason Miller, because I had done so on occasions before hand, on and off camera.
(While filming for Jason Ellis and Kings MMA)

This is also the reason I was laughing when Miller came up to me, because I thought we were going to bust each others balls about the twitter exchange we had a couple days ago about making 178 and getting on the Dolce Diet. (Good work by the way Mike, Thiago looked great)

Next thing I know, Miller slaps me on the back of the head, starts shoving me towards the door, and is telling me to get the fuck out of the gym.
I couldn't believe what was happening
and was in shock that he would treat the media that way...
I quickly realized that shit got real when we got by the door and things got a little more hairy.
(Which of course was edited out of the video)

All I could really say or do, was tell him to, "Chill out, and let's go talk one on one."
But he wanted nothing to do with talking to me when his cameras weren't rolling and we weren't surrounded by all his friends and the media.
Just like Miller, to try and steal the spot light from someone else and put it on yourself.

Jason was there because Rafael Cordeiro was presenting you with his black belt.
You should of felt honored, and that should of been the only thing on your mind, and out of respect, should of been the only thing you were focused on.
Not me, not Diaz.
Instead, you wanted to cause a scene to try and bait Nick into taking the fight.

In the video, you can even hear someone say, "This is Cordeiro's Moment."
Yet, Miller couldn't let it go, because it's all about "Mayhem"

I don't speak on behalf of Nick, nor am I his manager, so what the fuck are you asking ME these questions about for?
You had the chance to ask Nick yourself... backstage at Strikeforce in San Jose... but you didn't...
(Wish someone would post THAT footage)

Truth is, all Miller wanted to do was bully me once his cameras were cued up,
so that he could make another video campaign to fight Nick. (Good luck with that by the way.)

You should try EARNING the fight with Diaz (or any other legitimate fighter for that reason)
This ain't MTV, "homie."
The only person in need of a bully beat down, is you.
You fucked up by putting your hands on me.
I'm not your ex girlfriend, bro... and you're not going to get away with that shit.

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