Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ben Henderson: "That Will Definately Happen"

Written by Brett Atchley

The holidays are over for the most part. MMA fans have a small plethora of shows to choose from this weekend to view and so here in the Pacific Northwest I do what I do.

One of the things I do very regularly is make it a point to work out in Seattle at Ivan Salaverry's MMA. it's not only the work-outs and rolling but it's the gym itself, the atmosphere, people and the close relationships that are evident there. We have this joke there, " We usually spend more time talking about working out than we spend actual time working out." For me, it's a balance that I need. So you ask, what does this have to do with Ben Henderson? .......Hmmmmm, absolutely nothing!!! My mind just went off on its own and let my fingers do the walking....Shit, sometimes I crack myself up.

O.k here we go; So I'm in there working out with Maurice (Smith) and my oldest son and after a gaze in the direction of the floor, who should walk in but Ben ( Henderson). For those of you that don't know who he is, just google him. If you are a garden variety MMA fan, then you should know...I shouldn't have to bio him.

Unbeknowest to me, Ben is a Washington state native from Federal Way, WA. Attended high-school at Decatur. Ben says he's home for the holidays until January 31 and then off to Vegas to further acquaint himself to his new home that is unmistakably, the UFC.

He just stopping in to get his "roll on". I had asked Maurice if he knew who Ben was, he said he did as I pointed him out... He just laughed, "ya right, Ben Henderson wears glasses and that's not him." I told him that he needed to lay off the prescription narcotics, " that is Ben"....blah,blah,blah...

He came over to say hello and he was off rolling with Team Salaverry....Maurice and I were in the ring  elevated above floor level rolling with a few other guys. That's where we have been restricted to for some reason, "the ring, you guys where you wont bother anyone." 

I stood up there watching Henderson wrestling rounds with various team members..What had come to mind  was that he was a truly gifted athlete and I couldn't help but think that his advantage and prowess in his last fight against Pettis might have lended itself better in a ground strategy....but what do I know? Ben was extremely elusive, transitional savvy, to say the least, has incredible balance and strong. He is respectful, humble and gracious. He didn't walk around like someone with something to prove, his confidence was fully intact. Cody McKenzie text me asking what was happening. I told him and basically, he said that it sucked that he couldn't be there to work with him in preparation for his fight in the UFC with Yves Edwards coming up at the end of January for our troops. This all went on for about 2 hours and most of it was done with a promising young pro fighter from Team Ivan named Jacob Boysen. It made Boyson reach for alot more and dig deep to manage his position. It was tactical and pure entertainment to watch. When it was concluded, we hollered at him. "come on over here Ben, play with the men"...we laughed.

Henderson spoke about a number of things, family, his roots in Korea, the politics therein and of course, his career. He was an admirer of Maurice dating back to his adolescence and that he had been an instrument in his career choice by watching and following him.

I asked asked Henderson about what his thoughts were on the UFC as far as the merge, the upcoming Maynard vs. Edgar fight and the potential re-match with Pettis...

"I personally think the merge will be good for us for alot of reasons, it's just bigger the opportunities are much more available. Financially it's good for us.There is also some overlap in the weight divisions in my division. I'm very interested in the fight itself with Gray (Maynard) and Frankie (Edgar). It's a toss up as far as who will come out on top and I like them both alot. You gotta like Frankie, for no other reason than he proved everyone wrong about what he could accomplish. Everyone said, he wouldn't survive in the lightweights and the same people said he would never beat Bj (Penn). Not only did he do it once but twice!!! The man is filthy with skills and Gray is a guy that is a genuinely nice guy who works really hard, he's paid his dues and is relentless. I'm always for the collegiate wrestler. I'm a collegiate wrestler and I think we work really hard and sacrifice, especially cutting weight on Thanksgiving and Christmas, LOL!! I do not miss that, it just sucks. That may be considered minor as far as sacrifices, I'm just telling you where I came from and that I understand what it is to sacrifice.

I go out there to put on a good show for the fans and I think i have done a good job of it and look forward to doing this for a very long time. As far as who is next, i do not know. It's not up to me but whoever they put in front of me is fine. People ask about a re-match with Anthony and all I can tell you today is that it will happen. Believe that!!! It won't happen for awhile but I want that one back!!!"

I didn't feel it necessary to bring up the "ninja kick" from the Matrix that was seen around the world that was delivered by Pettis and I just didn't feel like asking him a bunch of questions that had been asked to him hundreds of times before in the last week. He came in to hang out, work out and have a good time. I just felt like he more than deserved that, so I really didn't push him anymore. I let him be...
I shook his hand told him I thought he was a remarkable athlete with a huge future and wished him luck. He joined the team in Seattle for dinner and had a night of it..just like anyone else..

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